Sunday, April 26, 2009

MacBook Hackintosh Sticker

I had a lot of people asking me how I made the logo for the "MacBook Mini". So in order to help out other Apple Hackers, here are three of the most commonly requested logos for your Hackintosh. Now leave me alone:)

Dell Mini 9 Hackintosh

Ever since Steve Jobs made the decision to switch to Intel Microprocessors in 2006, he has spawned a community of hackers that install OSX onto non-Apple computers. Since current Apple computers are in fact just glorified PC's in a sleek designer case, albeit with a superior operating system, the possibility of hacking and creating your own home brewed version is now greater that ever. Combine this with the popularity of sub $600 netbook's from manufacturers such as Dell, MSI, ASUS, Acer, and Samsung, then you have created the perfect hacking storm.

The two most popular candidates for OSX conversion are the Dell Inspiron 9 Mini and the MSI Wind U-100. Both of these make a great "Hackintosh" with extreme portability and very little compromise in functionality, while at a much lower price point then the absurdly expensive MacBook Air.

You can find out more on how to "Roll Your Own" at message boards such as,, and

By the way, the photo above is of a rebadged Dell Mini 9 running OSX. Just don't tell Steve Jobs, he knows where I live.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Apple Airport Update Breaks Wifi

Okay, so a couple of weeks ago I got the pop up reminder from Apple that let me know that I should update my Airport software. After updating, my Airport connection became very sporadic and would lose it's connection every two minutes or so. The culprit? That frickin' Airport updater. After reverting back to my last known good install thanks to Super Duper, everything is working now as it should.

The strange thing is that the version that was working just fine was 6.3, the one that broke my Apple was 5.4.1. Why does the newer, supposedly better version have a lower version number? Did Apple drop the ball on this one. or am I caught up in some parallel universe where newer versions of software have a lower number?

The same thing happened to a friend of mine who now lives in Zurich. Everything was fine with her wifi until she did the updater. She even went to the Apple store and they didn't have a clue.

Come on Apple, give me a break.