Wednesday, January 30, 2008

mStand Laptop Stand

Ever notice that after spending several hours working on your laptop that your neck and shoulders are a little stiff? Get that laptop off your desk and elevate it to a higher and more ergonomic level. Rain Design has created a sleek laptop stand that looks like it belongs on exhibit at MOCA.

Made of a single piece of aluminum, the mStand raises your laptop's screen to the same height as an external monitor. This helps to improve your posture by raising the laptop's screen to eye level which results in better ergonomics. As a bonus, since it is made of aluminum, it also acts as a heat sink to help cool your hot running machine.

Pros: Sculpted Good Looks, Improves Airflow & Ergonomics.

Doesn't Come In Black.

List Price: $49.99

Click here to buy from Pixelphile's Amazon Stop & Shop.