For those of you who are trying to run Resolve on a smaller monitor, such as a 15-inch MacBook Pro, which has a resolution of 1440x900, you have probably found out that the Resolve interface does not fit on a smaller screen. This causes the interface to become cropped and pretty much makes it impossible to use.
Luckily, there is a workaround, even though it is not officially supported by Black Magic Design.
Go to Applications - Utilities - Terminal
After launching the Terminal, type this:
defaults write -g AppleDisplayScaleFactor 0.75
Hit return.
Then launch Resolve. You will now see that the interface has been resized.
To return your screen back to normal, type this:
defaults write -g AppleDisplayScaleFactor 1
Hit return.
There you go. Now you can run Resolve on any size monitor, just change the amount of the "ScaleFactor" to fit.
Happy Resolving:)