I've been teaching at Santa Monica College's "Academy of Entertainment and Technology" for over 9 years. Holy S#*t! Can it really be that long? Well it looks like our campus is about to receive it's much anticipated makeover.
Designed by Clive Wilkinson Architects of West Hollywood, this proposed redesign has already won a Los Angeles Real Creativity Award. This new complex will feature a new 30,000-square-foot building that would be added to the Academy site to house computer classrooms, a student radio station, production spaces, edit bays, new server room, TV studio and control rooms, art studio, café and a 180-seat auditorium.
In addition, the plan calls for a 34,000-square-foot, three-story structure to house KCRW, which is currently in the basement of the Cayton Associated Students building on the SMC main campus. All buildings are being designed to achieve LEED Silver Certification.
I like the futuristic Blade Runner styling. It's definitely going to be a great back lot for doing student film shoots.
Now if I can only find a parking space for my flying car.