Thursday, March 27, 2008 Private Exchange

Let's say you have some files that you would like to share with your friends or colleagues but they are simply too large or too personal to attach to a basic email, what is a pixelphile to do? Thankfully the geniuses over at have come up with a quick and easy web based solution.

Step 1: Name your drop (the master name of the file or files that you are going to share). This will give you a unique url for this file.


Step 2: Upload your files from your computer. Up to 100MB.

Step 3: Choose a password if you want the file protected. Pick how long you want the file to be available. Set if the recipients can view only, view & add, or view, add & delete.

Step 4: Drop it. Your file has now been uploaded and is ready for whoever you want to download it.

It's just that easy. Give it a try and start creating your own drops today!

Pros: Quick & Easy Private File Sharing.

100 MB File Limit.

List Price: FREE!